How to Write Powerful Website Content to Attract Organic Leads

How to Write Powerful Website Content to Attract Organic Leads

Website content can help increase traffic and boost conversion rate

There are a lot of reasons why businesses write content for their websites.

Some of the goals are to gain brand awareness, increase customer engagements, generate traffic for the website, and most importantly, convert leads into paying customers.

Nevertheless, writing website content that engages your audience, drives traffic, and encourages conversions can be challenging.

Some contents you create will manage to drive conversions while others may get lost in the archives.

So, we are here to tell you how to become a good website content writer that can convert leads into customers.

How do you write website content that increases conversions?

In order to make sure that your contents are really effective, you need to know what details are extremely important in helping you boost conversion rate.

Don’t worry, you are in the right place because we are going to list out some of the details that you need to pay attention to when writing an effective copy.

How to Write Powerful Website Content for Organic Leads


We cannot stress enough how the headline is super important for website copy.

A headline can vary from informative to attention-grabbing but it must relate to the purpose of your website copywriting.

Besides, 8 out of 10 people will probably not read your content if the headline is not captivating enough.

So, a great headline is the one that can capture people’s attention so that they will want to read the rest.

Your headline should be 60 characters at most so that it can display properly in Google Search results.

Furthermore, there are a lot of free tools out there that you can use to analyze your headline such as Coschedule’s Headline Analyzer.

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Readable Website Content

Your customers will most likely exit your website without even finish reading if they cannot comprehend your web copywriting.

Yes, it is such a turn-off. So, readability is definitely important.

Whenever possible, try using words with no more than two syllables. Plus, keep your phrases with no more than 25 words, and paragraphs with no more than 2-3 sentences.

Moreover, avoid using passive voice and use more active voice as it is more engaging. Another important reminder is to keep your writing consistent across your pages.

If you’re using WordPress, there is a plugin called Yoast SEO that can help you increase your web content writing readability. It is super helpful so you may want to start using it if you haven’t.

Other Contents

All words and no images? Avoid that. Use high-quality images to hook your readers especially if your content is lengthy.

Apart from that, you can also add videos, infographics, ebooks that are relevant to your content.

Formatting and Structure

It can be very tedious to read if your content is in a big, long paragraph. You can mix it up by using bullet points to break up several ideas.

Remember to use bold and italics in your content as well to emphasize important details but do not overdo as it can drown important details.

On top of that, use subheadings. Divide your content into sections with relevant subheadings to show content structure.

These are some of the writing methods we include in our website content writing services. This will make it easier for your readers to scan for the information they need. As a result, there will be less frustration and a lower bounce rate.

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Internal and external links in your content are just as important.

Why? Relevant internal and external links are the content strategy for the web that improve the search visibility and the rank of your website content.

Internal links will redirect your readers to a target page of your website.

They can help your viewer stay engaged with your website much longer and encourage them to become a customer.

Meanwhile, external links will redirect your readers to a reputable page of a different website.

It may seem useless because after all, you want your readers to stay on your site right? However, it is useful for SEO as Google will be able to figure out what your content is about.


Don’t write just about anything. You must write content that your readers want to read.

To determine this, you can use specific search terms your readers might enter into search engines.

You can utilize Google Trends to find out what your readers are currently looking for the most.

It is also important to note that popular keywords have more competition so even if you use popular keywords in your content, it may not get ranked by Google.

Thus, you may find it useful to use long-tail keywords and more specific keywords.

A quick reminder to never over-optimize your content with keywords. You may get penalized by Google if you do so, making your content more difficult to rank. Hire our copywriters for the best website copywriting services!

Call to Action

The best approach to convert your visitors into leads is to include a call to action usually at the end of each post you publish, such as an email subscription form or contact form.

Refresh and Revise Website Content

After you published your content, make sure to monitor it constantly to measure the performance.

If it is underperforming, you can amend it by add or remove content, improve the structure, check for broken links, and such to improve its performance.

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Web Content Developer to Increase Conversion Rate

Rather than risking failure or taking too long to figure it out, we offer website content services to help you increase website traffic, and boost your conversion rate.

Suggested read: 6 Simple Ways to Effectively Increase Your Website Conversion Rate

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This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. Although we strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Please opt for a one-to-one consultation with us or a relevant professional for your specific concerns regarding the business solutions in Malaysia before making any decisions.