Professional Company Profile Writing in Malaysia

Elevate your company profile with our expert writing service. We'll create compelling, high-quality copy that accurately reflects your brand and engages your target audience.

company profile writing services

Introduction About
Company Profile Writing Services

A company profile is an essential marketing tool that provides a snapshot of your business and its offerings to potential customers, investors, and partners. It is a concise and comprehensive overview of your brand, including your mission, history, values, products or services, and achievements. A well-written company profile can help you stand out from the competition and establish your brand's credibility and authority in your industry.

Writing a company profile requires a strategic approach and a strong understanding of your target audience and the market you operate in. It is crucial to present your brand's unique value proposition and highlight your strengths while addressing any potential concerns or challenges. A professional and compelling company profile can make a significant impact on your business, helping you attract more customers and partners and position your brand for long-term success.

Benefits of Having Professional Company Profile Writing

A professionally written company profile holds many advantages for a company.

  • Having a well-written company profile can showcase your brand's expertise, experience, and achievements, establishing its credibility. This can inspire confidence and trust in potential customers, investors, and partners, making them more likely to choose your brand for their business needs.
  • A company profile can increase your brand's visibility and awareness by providing a comprehensive overview of your business, including your products or services, values, and mission. It can help you stand out from the competition and attract new customers and partners.
  • A company profile can help you communicate your brand's unique value proposition and showcase your strengths and competitive advantages. It can differentiate your brand from others in your industry and position you as a thought leader.
  • A company profile can help you build relationships with potential customers, investors, and partners by providing them with valuable information about your brand and its offerings. It can help you establish a connection and open the door for further communication and collaboration.
  • A company profile can be used as a marketing tool to support your other marketing efforts, such as social media, email marketing, and advertising. It can provide a consistent message and tone across all your marketing channels and help you achieve your marketing goals.
  • A well-crafted company profile can also attract top talent by showcasing your company culture, values, and mission. It can help potential employees understand what it's like to work for your organization and what they can expect if they join your team.
company profile services we offer

What are the Contents of a Company Profile?

Below are one of the sample that can apply to the company profile writing. Note that the specific sections and their order may vary depending on the company and its goals.

  • Introduction
  • About the company
  • Products and services
  • Clients and portfolio
  • Team and leadership
  • Awards and recognition
  • Community involvement
  • Contact information
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Why Hire a Professional Copywriter for Your Company Profile

When you are creating a company profile, you want to make sure that it represents your business well. You want it to sound like your business and sell the idea of working with you without sounding like a sales pitch.

Therefore, if you are looking to create a company profile and want to make sure your copy is as effective as possible, it is important to hire a professional copywriter.

Our professional business copywriters have experience writing about companies like yours in your industry. We have worked with countless companies just like yours before and we know what kind of information we need to include in order to get our point across, and how we can do it quickly and effectively. Our copywriting services in Malaysia are tailored to meet the unique needs of your business.

Our copywriters also know how important brevity is when it comes to company profiles and they know how to make sure every word counts. A good copywriter will be able to condense all of the relevant information into as few words as possible while still making sure that it sounds natural and flows well enough that makes it easy for readers to understand.

Company Profile Writing Services for All Industries

Every business across all industries needs a good business profile that resonates with their brands. Our company profile service ensures that your profile is expertly crafted to reflect your brand's unique identity. We have written corporate industry profiles for over 100+ companies from various industries over the years.

Our Company Profile Writing Process in 5 Steps

A good corporate profile is more than just the company profile design. Here at Zaloha, we create business profiles through detailed concept development based on your industry. Not only do we design professional corporate profiles, but as a leading copywriting agency in Malaysia, our copywriters also work wonders with content writing to really focus on your best features.

Step 1: Consultation

We provide free company profile content consultation to discuss all of your needs and expectations so we can get an accurate picture of what you are looking for from our service. We will discuss your goals, your target audience, and the tone and style you want to strike in your copy so that we can deliver exactly what you need.

Step 2: Information gathering

We will gather all the information available about your company. This could include things like your company’s history, mission and vision statement, current products and services, as well as any other relevant details that will help us write the best copy that makes you stand out from your competitors.

Step 3: Writing

Our expert copywriters will craft the best-fitting copy that not only precisely represents your brand but also highlights your company’s most unique aspects that will certainly entice any reader. At the same time, we will take every care to make sure our copy is error-free and as accurate as possible.

Step 4: Revision

Once the copy is done, we will send you the writing via email for your review. At this stage, you can request any changes or modifications to the copy as per the number of revisions available. After we have received your feedback, we will make any necessary changes or finalize it.

Step 5: Design

The assigned company profile designer will work closely with the copywriter to conceptualize your company profile with your goals and requirements in mind. We will shape the content into a visually-pleasing, professional design that conveys the most relevant details about your company and its services while showcasing your best features to really hook your readers.

Ready for a project? Let’s talk.

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Frequently Ask Questions for Company Profile Writing in Malaysia

Zaloha offers an affordable one-time price starting from of RM3,850.
It is the most comprehensive document for your readers ie. potential business partners, clients, and shareholders to know what products or services you offer.
Once we receive your details and requirements, you will get the first overall concept including writing within 7-10 business days.
We will send you simple details form for you to fill in your company details, requirements, preferences, and objectives. We will also need your company logo and relevant photos to include in your company profile.
You can communicate with the assigned copywriter and graphic designer easily through emails or your preferred way of contact.

Why We’re The Best

Zaloha, is the top company profile writing company in Malaysia, we’ll prove it.


We join forces with you and our creative team to make sure everyone is on the same page to guarantee a satisfactory outcome.

Clear Project Timeline

For your peace of mind, we notify you of our project timeline and status updates so all your affairs are in order.

Ideal Creations

Our talented creative team realize all your preferences and objectives to create the most ideal company profile for you.

Quality Assurance

Not only will you provide your own feedback, our team will also make sure your corporate profile has no errors and looks good.

Professional Work

From ideation to the final artwork, our creative team works professionally to guarantee expert production every step of the way.

After Sales Support

Our team will help you to update your corporate profile if you need to add any new information, new projects, and additional printing so your business is up to market standards.

Ready for a project? Let’s talk.

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