The Design Process of a Company Profile
When a company has an exceptional company profile (profil syarikat), it shows dexterity and professionalism within the organization which will definitely win the hearts of future clients. But, to create such corporate charm requires more than just copywriting and the design.
1. Before you start: Plan Ahead!
Before putting pen to paper, it is vital that you plan out what a company profile entails.
Getting right down to writing may sound like the first thing you should do but ideally, planning out everything ahead will save you more time.
So step away from your keyboard and start jotting down notes of what the company profile design will need.
A step so minor might just lead you to overlook content a company profile require. Take your time to outline a business profile as companies often skip this crucial step.
It will save you time further down the road. Plus, you’ll gain organizational skills that you can apply for any future task!
2. Research and Revise
You can’t just merely write about a company willy-nilly without doing your research first.
Quite frankly, it’s risky business to blindly write without doing your homework first.
You want to make sure every fact about the company is accurate and complete.
Don’t be too lazy to take that extra time to revise any information you wish to put in the company profile.
You don’t want to miss anything that would’ve been the highlight of the company profile, do you?
3. Draft it out

Once you’re satisfied with the collected information and data, you’re ready to write!
If you’ve done your homework well, it won’t take as long to write since all required details are right by your side.
It’s only your first draft, so include anything noteworthy so you can concentrate on other sections faster.
Don’t get carried away!
You may want to revisit sections to add in more information, but be wary to not go off topic.
Let the writing come naturally but don’t waste your time including details that future prospects would bore of.
4. Customize the Company Profile Design

Get your creative juices flowing! It’s time to provide the perfect background for what you’ve written so far.
Follow the confirmed theme religiously with your audience in mind. Would they feel it’s striking? Would they take one look and leave right then and there?
Take into account how you want the company to be seen.
The design of the company profile must depend heavily on branding so be cautious to not include any elements that might contradict with the company’s brand.
It may seem minor but a coherent flow of consistency throughout the company profile reflects the most of your image.
5. Organize Copywriting

Now that you have the design figured out, your writing can now have a place they can call home.
It’s in your best favor to place your writing in their designated places. This will enable readers to naturally read through the company profile without ever thinking “this doesn’t belong here“.
Take for example the copywriting in Bullmax. The content on material handling equipment bodes well with factory and warehouse workers. No need for lengthy words, just be relatable!
One way to guarantee coherence throughout your copywriting is to have someone else read it.
Let them analyse and assess your work and be open to any comments to achieve a complete masterpiece.
6. Visual Appeals
Nobody likes a lengthy and wordy company profile. When people flip through your company profile, they expect at least a few pictures here and there.
Pictures of previous projects, programs, photo ops and anything related to your company worth showing should be included so your future customers establish a better mental picture of your company.
Lest you forget, all provided images should be in the correct format.
Not only that, they should all be in a defined and similar structure so the overall illustration is easy on the eyes.
This extent of symmetry reveals that your company is not only uniform and professional but appealing as well.
7. Time to Showproof

Now that you’re practically done with everything, going through it all with your client is a key aspect of creating a company profile design.
You gave it your heart and soul but the bottom line depends on your client’s yes or no.
Since they are the final approvers, a detailed interpretation assists your client to understand your design.
It is vital to consider every comment and critique your client has in a positive manner to enable a satisfactory outcome.
8. Seal the Deal

When numerous discussions on their company profile design seems to have no end, settle with compromise to reach a win-win situation. Because let’s face it, it’s a nightmare to deal with difficult customers.
When the middle ground has been achieved and everyone seems to be pleased with the showproof, close the deal with your client.
Your relationship with clients as just as important as the project itself, so building a rapport with them should be a top priority.
This is the perfect time to initiate conversation about any other future business with each other rather than just signing on a dotted line.
9. Print and Press

Elaborate all the specifications required for printing detail such as paper weight, ink insights, finishes, bindery etc.
It is a known responsibility to explain each and every printing specification for your client’s company profile to ensure top quality.
Whether matte-coated, silk, satin or gloss, although your client may prefer one over another, it might not be the best option to print.
Try to explore different areas of print for your design to come to life. The end product may be the limelight of your business!
10. Sign, Seal, Deliver!
You have come to the end of the project so send away your hard-earned creation away to its owner.
Before you do, a quality assurance is underway lest any printing defects have been overlooked.
Your business must provide state-of-the-art quality for your clientele so inspect it well.
Be it by hand, post, self-collected or couriered, take extra care in the delivery process so as not to damage the finished products.
In conclusion..
Never underestimate the blood and sweat creating a company profile entails.
Designing and copywriting aren’t the only procedures to consider when dealing with clients who seek your services.
Here at The Origin Solution, we follow the process religiously and methodically so contact us today to create your very own company profile!