
The Right Way to Create the Best Company Profile Design

Make the Best Company Profile Design Accurately

Certifiable tips for a company profile design that will help you close your next deal successfully.

Of course, every company needs a company profile (profile syarikat). But you shouldn’t feel satisfied once you merely have a corporate profile.

You need a company profile design that is valid and accepted for any sort of business.

So when you create a corporate profile design with us, you’re opening a window of opportunities for your company.

That’s why it’s necessary to have a complete company profile that can help you manage your business better.

Although creating a professional company profile seems complicated, we’ll show you how to design a company profile that is both accurate and creative.

Don’t worry, these tips are certified by our own in-house company profile designers (designer company profile). They have hundreds of experience making impressive company profiles. Read More

branding tips for malaysian smes header

Simple Branding Tips for a Small Business in Malaysia

Startup branding tips for Malaysian SMEs

Who said a small business in Malaysia doesn’t need branding tips?

Sure there are loads of competitors with successful brands of their own but that doesn’t mean a startup such as yourself should just stay on the sidelines. 

As a branding buddy, we know you don’t need to break the bank to create an effective brand strategy that appeals to the right audience. Quite frankly, there are plenty of marketing tips for small businesses you can do for your brand to stand out. Before long, you’ll be in the top league! Read More

The Powerful Purpose of a Company Profile

Why is a company profile important?

In the years designing company profiles (profil syarikat), a company profile design depends on the purpose of a company profile.

Although we value each design project, it’s pretty stressful for both parties to create something so intricate so quickly.

So here we are to let you know why company profile is important. Well, it’s a profile of your company. Simple enough yet when done wrong can risk your business.

Basically, it’s a blank canvas for anything company-related but you need to know who it is for and how to design it to your favor. In other words, artwork, and words that work.

With that said, know who your target is first. Then modify the design and content specially made for them to secure conversions. Now let’s reveal the purpose and benefits of company profile. Read More