
Reasons Why You Need a Responsive Web Design

With the rising use of mobile devices over the last decade, a responsive web design is now a NECESSITY for every website.

Almost everyone uses the web on their smartphones in this day and age.

Obviously, you’re hurting your business if you don’t have a mobile-friendly website design.

Responsive Web Design vs Mobile-friendly

Before we get into why your business website needs a responsive web design, you must understand the difference between responsive web design and mobile-friendly.

Most people assume that responsive design and mobile-friendly are the same, but these terms are not interchangeable.

In fact, responsive web design and mobile-friendly design work differently.


With a mobile-friendly design, the website will look exactly the same on any device.

Basically, a mobile-friendly website is a shrunken or slimmed-down version of a desktop site.

Users can still view and browse the website as usual.

However, some actions such as clicking on buttons can be difficult to do since the buttons may appear very small on mobile devices.


Responsive Design

On the other hand, a responsive design allows the website layout to adapt to all screen sizes.

It does so by automatically adjusting itself according to the resolutions of the devices.

To put it simply, the website’s text, images, buttons, etc. will change to a size that fits your device’s screen perfectly.

Why Your Website Needs a Responsive Web Design

Based on the explanation above, having a responsive web design should seem more appealing to you.

Nonetheless, if you are still not convinced, let’s take a look at some reasons why a responsive web design is necessary for your business website.


Increased traffic from mobile users

Not everyone has constant access to their computers/laptops, but they will almost certainly have their smartphones with them at all times.

That being said, they are most likely to search for your business website using their mobile devices.

If your website is not responsive, chances are they will lose interest and leave your site.

As a result, you will lose traffic and potential leads from mobile users which probably takes half or more of your target audience.

Improved user experience

One of the main reasons why you want to have a responsive design is to improve the user experience.

Unresponsive websites typically distort how your website appears on mobile devices which can be an unpleasant experience for mobile users.

After such an experience, they may avoid visiting your website in the future.

Therefore, having a responsive web design is important to improve user experience so you can attract and retain visitors.

Suggested read: 6 Ways to Improve User Experience on Your Website

Lower cost and maintenance

Back in the day, businesses used to create two versions of the same website: one for desktop users and one for mobile users.

However, the practice of creating two different versions is not only time-consuming but can also cost a lot.

With a responsive design, you don’t have to worry about maintaining two versions of your website, allowing you to dedicate the time and cost to other aspects of your business.


Boost SEO ranking

Responsive websites have a greater chance of ranking high in SERPs.

Since responsive design encourages users to stay on your site for much longer, there will be a decrease in bounce rates.

This can help boost your ranking, bringing your website closer to the top of the search results.

Design a Responsive Website for Your Business

All in all, an outdated website can hurt your business. So, to stay competitive, having a responsive business website is a MUST.

You can do it yourself if you have the resources, or you can hire a professional website designer to do it for you at a reasonable price.

Read next: How to Make the Best Website for Medical Companies

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    This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or professional advice. Although we strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Please opt for a one-to-one consultation with us or a relevant professional for your specific concerns regarding the business solutions in Malaysia before making any decisions.

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